Over the past two years, the KOBE STARTUP HUB has been utilized by
more than 1,000 people, mainly through online mentoring!
Based on the experience gained through this project,
the City of Kobe and Innovation Dojo Japan intend to expand options available
for the support of startups.
For official Kobe City startup support information, please click here.
If you are interested in joining the startup community operated by Innovation Dojo Japan, please click here.
New Industry Creation Division, Economy and Tourism Bureau, Kobe City Hall
Sannomiya Building East Bldg 8F
6-1-12 Gokodori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0087, Japan
Innovation Dojo Japan, LLC
4-1-14 Isogamidori, Chuo-ku, Kobe 651-0086, Japan